Sensors, Transducers (103,619)
Category Category
- Sensors Touch
(27) - Ultrasonic Receivers, Transmitters
(1,510) - Temperature Sensors - Thermostats - Dewleta Solid
(853) - Temperature Sensors - Thermostats - Mîkîk
(4,187) - Temperature Sensors - Thermocouple, Temperature Pr
(526) - Temperature Sensors - RTD
(247) - Temperature Sensors - Thermal PTC
(1,047) - Temperature Sensors - Tîtolojên NTC
(5,595) - Temperature Sensors - Analog û Digital Output
(2,392) - Strain Gauges
(422) - Sensorsên Taybet
(823) - Solar Cells
(122) - Sensors
(15) - Interface - Jungle Blocks
(1,425) - Cenazeyên Sansor - Colemêrgê
(1,077) - Sensor Cable - Accessories
(625) - Hevpeymanên Kurtasî / Occupational Occupation - Ye
(246) - Sensoriyên nêzîk
(6,786) - Sensorsên Tanser, Transducers
(29,533) - Sositionors Sositionors - Angle, Measuring Positio
(2,533) - Sansiyonên Optical - Kesk - Refektîf - Logic Outpu
(105) - Sansiyonên Optical - Refektîf - Analog Output
(293) - Sansiyonên Optical - Phototransistors
(688) - Optical Sensors - Photointerrupters - Tişta Slot -
(1,264) - Optical Sensors - Photointerrupters - Tîpa Laş - L
(1,156) - Optical Sensors - Photoelectric, Industrial
(9,892) - Sansiyonên Optical - Photodiodes
(946) - Sansiyonên Optical - Foto Detectors - Receivera Ni
(1,337) - Sansiyonên Optical - Wêneyên wêneya wêneyên - Logi
(131) - Sensorên Optical - Wêneyên Wêne - CdS Cells
(60) - Optical Sensors - Measuring Distance Distance
(100) - Optical Sensors - Light Light, IR, Sensors
(634) - Multifunction
(68) - Sansorsên Motion Sensors - Vibration
(68) - Sensors Motion Sensors - Swift Swords
(43) - Sansorsên Motion Sansors - Optical
(430) - Sensors Motion Sensors - Inclinometers
(69) - Sensors Motion Sensors - IMUs (Yekîneyên Tevgera Ç
(187) - Sensors Motion - Gyroscopes
(143) - Sensors Motion - Accelerometers
(1,200) - Magnets - Sensor Matched
(37) - Magnets - Pir armanc
(142) - Sensorsên Magnetic - Switches (State of Solid)
(2,590) - Sansorsên Magnetic - Position, nêzîkbûn, Lez (Modu
(4,062) - Sensorsên Magnetic - Linear, Compass (ICs)
(845) - Sensorsên Magnetic - Compass, Magnetic Field (Modu
(39) - LVDT Transducers (Transformer Variable Linear)
(18) - Modulên Ir Iriye Transceiver
(155) - Image Sensors, Camera
(1,082) - Humidity, Sensors of Moisture
(357) - Sensorsên Gazê
(311) - Sensorsên Hêzdar
(109) - Sensors Flow
(227) - Float, Sensors Level
(917) - Encoders
(6,944) - Sensors
(25) - Transferersên heyî
(1,546) - Sensors Color
(84) - Amplifiers
(678) - Vêra